
OM take quality very seriously.

  • OM mediators have all been accredited by leading mediation training bodies in the UK.
  • OM mediators are required to have mediated a number of disputes before they join the panel.
  • All our mediators meet the CPD requirements mandated by the Civil Mediation Council or Family Mediation Council.  In addition we run a programme of in-house training to ensure standards are kept uniformly high.
  • All OM mediators are insured.
  • In relation to our Commercial and Civil mediation cases, we subscribe to the European Code of Conduct for Mediators.
  • Our Constitution reflects this commitment to quality.
  • By choosing us, you are guaranteed a trained, qualified and experienced mediator.

Complaints Procedure

  • The Steering Committee shall investigate and consider any complaints received about the administration of mediations by the OM and mediations conducted by OM mediators, and shall report to the members whenever such complaints are received.
  • Mediators shall co-operate fully in the investigation of any complaint within the limits of any obligations of confidentially imposed under an agreement to mediate or otherwise.
  • The Steering Committee may adopt and the members shall comply with any scheme for the investigation of complaints required by the Civil Mediation Council or the Court Service.
  • The Steering Committee may suspend or terminate the membership of any member of the OM if there is reason to believe that the conduct of the mediator falls below the standard to be expected of a professional accredited mediator or member of the OM.